What We Can Do

Let Our Reps Visit Your Salon!
(For hair stylist in Japan)
If you are in the market for anew pair of shears and you would like to see and feel them personally, we can make that easy for you. Fill out our form and we can schedule a sales rep out to your salon as soon as possible!
Try Out Our Shears!
(For hair stylist in Japan)
If you are in the market for a new pair of shears and would like to see how they feel in your hands we can ship them out to you for you to try! Just use our contact form and let us know which shears you’re interested in and we have them ship right to you!

Shear classes available for hairstylist in Japan! Utsumi Co. LTD is now offering free shear classes at your place of business. Learn about the history of shears, how they’re made, different types of shears and their use along with proper shear maintenance. We can help you find the right shear to fit your personal and professional needs.